Health & Wellness

Premature Aging

A lot of us in our younger years couldn’t wait to be adults, as it’s tempting to hit the fast forward button to the independence and confidence that comes with age.


But these advantages also come with their drawbacks. As you begin to age past a certain point, your body also begins to slow down. And the older you get, the more you yearn to turn back time.

There are still so many things you wish to do but aren’t sure if you have the strength, mobility or stamina for. You wonder if it’s still possible to run that marathon, carry your grandchildren piggy-back style, make that pilgrimage with your friends or have that pick-up basketball game with your sons.


While aging is a natural process of life, there are multiple factors that could cause your body to age faster than it normally would. You could become weaker, slower and more easily exhausted than an average person your age should be. This is known as premature aging. Though the hopes and dreams you still aspire to do may seem out of your reach because of these limitations, there are ways to make your body feel young even as you age. As soon as you know the things you can actively do and habits you can break to prevent or reverse premature aging, you can take charge of your body and move towards the life you want to live.


What is Premature Aging?


Premature aging is when your body age or metabolic age is different from your chronological age. This is a growing concern among Filipinos, when one’s state of health and fitness is different from their actual years of life, making those in their 30s or 40s feel much older. According to a health risk assessment study, 60% of the Filipino workforce experience premature aging. Multiple factors age your body faster than it should. Muscular exhaustion, decline or slow-down in mobility, and weakness or numbness in your limbs are just a few indicators of premature aging. The decrease in muscle mass and bone density affects the speed and quality of your movements.


Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware that their bodies are aging prematurely. Health oftentimes takes a backseat to convenience, an unhealthy lifestyle and poor habits. Fast food is easier than preparing leafy greens and healthy meals. Spending long hours at your desk or stuck in traffic seem like necessary evils to advance in your career. Sleep and exercise are sometimes sacrificed for going out or working late.


When you’re younger, the effects are not so pronounced. By the time you get to your 40s or 50s, the chronic aches and pain begin to manifest and you fear that it may be too late to repair the damage.


Can You Reverse Premature Aging?  

Thankfully, you can still do something to keep your body young as you age. Premature aging is primarily fueled by poor eating habits and choice of food, the lack of exercise, and not getting the right amount of rest. Therefore, reversing its effects requires developing healthier routines. It sounds simple but it can be quite challenging to accomplish. The pay-off, however, is more than worth the effort.


Here are key things to remember to stop premature aging and ensure to keeping your body young and active even as you age.

1. Eat and Drink Right. Based on a 2013 nutrition study by the FNRI, 50% of Filipino aged 19 to 59 don’t get enough protein, which is key to maintaining muscle mass and health. Meanwhile, an alarming 93% of Filipino adults don’t get enough calcium, an important nutrient in keeping your bones strong. 

As adults, we need to ensure we get the right amount of nutrients that our bodies need. We need to maintain a diet that is rich in calcium and protein plus other vitamins and minerals. With a proper diet supplemented with Anlene, it becomes easier to complete your daily recommended intake. Just two glasses of Anlene a day meets an adult’s RDI of calcium. These nutrients are important in keeping bones and muscles in good shape. Anlene also provides your body with collagen, promoting healthy joints and cartilage for ease of movement.

Don’t forget water! Staying hydrated helps manage your energy levels, lubricate the joints, deliver oxygen throughout your body, flush out toxins, and more. The recommended amount is about 2.7 liters of water if you’re a woman and 3.7 liters of water if you’re a man. Eighty percent should come from water for proper hydration, and the rest should come from healthy foods and beverages like Anlene for added nutrients. 

2. Get Moving.  A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major contributors of premature aging. Without proper exercise, blood circulation becomes less efficient and you run the risk of decreased strength and muscle mass.

Your body was made to move, so move! It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you get, whether it’s playing a sport or dancing or even brisk walking. In fact, you can even squeeze in some exercise while you’re sitting on your office chair. The important thing is you get the recommended 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. That’s just a little over 20 minutes per day! And with the help of Anlene’s collagen and protein content, you’ll be able to move the way you want.

3. Get Enough Sleep. Adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep. During this time, your body repairs itself and helps replenish lost energy throughout the day. Sleep also allows your brain to relax, restoring alertness and focus and even reducing stress levels. In short, sleep is good for your entire body and you need to get more of it.

When it all comes down to it, age is really just a number. If you have a strong, healthy body, fueled by exercise, proper rest and a proper diet, and Anlene, you can be a proud man or woman in their 30s, 40s, or 50s, who has the body and moves of a much younger person.