Diet & Nutrition

Three Myth Busters on Healthy Planning & Nutrition

A plate full of vegetables and grains on one side, and the other half loaded with protein and fruits, plus a glass of milk or a serving of cheese or butter, makes an ideal plate. Meal portions such as this will ensure the right amount of calories a body needs to function and maintain the ideal weight. An efficient way to approach this is meal planning to ensure all five food groups are present with the proper portions.

Below are three myth busters that will help in planning nutritious meals:





Carbs, on its own, are the body’s main source of energy. It’s the amount and type of carbohydrates consumed that will determine if they are bad or good for an individual.


There are two types of carbohydrates–SIMPLE and COMPLEX.


Simple Carbohydrates are sugars. While some sugars occur naturally in fruits and dairy, most simple carbs are processed and added to food like corn syrup, glucose, fructose and sucrose. These should be avoided since they have little to no nutritional benefits, makes one gain weight or develop illnesses like diabetes. Sodas, packaged cookies, pastries, sweet cereals, and fruit juice concentrate are samples of simple carbs.


Complex Carbohydrates are foods that are higher in nutritional value and richer in fiber. They manage cholesterol levels and help with regular bowel movement and weight maintenance.


Samples of complex carbs include sweet potato, leafy vegetable like spinach, kang kong, and broccoli.

Whole grains like oats and unpolished brown rice are also beneficial since it contains most of the original grain. Refined grains like polished white rice have gone through a process called milling that removes some of the outer casing or the inner seed. As a result, key nutrients have been stripped off.



Protein is a necessary nutrient for proper muscle and brain development. Known as the body’s building blocks, they are used to boost and repair tissues as well as fight infection. There are a lot of protein-rich food sources to choose from other than red meat, including chicken, lean meat & fish. Meat-less options include nuts, tofu and dairy. 



Milks are usually categorized as Whole Milk or Skimmed Milk, regardless of the format (powder or liquid). As a guide, whole milk has more milk fat compared to skimmed milk. Milk fat is not necessarily unhealthy; the key is to check consumption of fat based on one’s overall calorie intake for the day. The recommended percentage is 10% saturated fat in a daily diet of 2000 calories.


Choosing the best milk not only involves considering the high calcium source but also other key benefits.


For those 30 years old and above, adult milk is highly advisable. As one ages, regular family milk will not be enough in giving the right amount of nutrients and key minerals that a more mature body needs.


Anlene MoveMax is an adult milk that strengthen bones, joints, and muscles to enable continuous movement even as one ages. It provides 5.5g of protein, 600mg if Calcium and 100mg of Collagen. It encourages healthy aging as it actively promotes maximum movement so adults can continue to live a full and healthy life.